Not sure whether I'm in the correct forum...
To sign a message for a specific application with HMAC-SHA1 hash I need a 83 character key.
My problem: the function module 'SET_HMAC_KEY' throws the exception "param_length_error". After I've testet with several key length, I found out, that the maximum valid length is 81. Is there any reason for this?
With 3rd party libraries (ie. Python and Javascript) longer keys are working.
CALL FUNCTION 'SET_HMAC_KEY' EXPORTING generate_random_key = ' ' alg = 'SHA1' keycstr = 'cB1phTHISISATESTVuZMDmWCz1CEMy82iBC3HgFLpE&7857T...YFqV93gRJQ' client_independent = ' ' EXCEPTIONS unknown_alg = 1 param_length_error = 2 internal_error = 3 param_missing = 4 malloc_error = 5 abap_caller_error = 6 base64_error = 7 calc_hmac_error = 8 rsec_record_access_denied = 9 rsec_secstore_access_denied = 10 rsec_error = 11 rng_error = 12 record_number_error = 13 OTHERS = 14.
Best regards, Uwe
Edited by: Julius Bussche on Aug 5, 2010 10:19 PM
I truncated the key further because in a coding tag it toasts the formatting when too long.